
For many years now, we have been a member of several strong associations, whose objectives we share out of conviction.


Assoziation der ökologischen Lebensmittelhersteller (Association of Organic Food Producers)

"The AÖL members' work is aimed at ecological, humane and sustainable food. The entire way, from production, processing and trade in relation to the consumer determines value. Cooperation and exchange of opinions among the members are success factors and the basis for joint political action.” The focus of our work is the political representation of interests at national and European level, as well as the promotion of exchange and cooperation between our members.
Source: Webpage AÖL


VDGS Verband der deutschen Getreideverarbeiter und Stärkehersteller (Association of German Grain Processors and Starch Producers)

"VGMS sees itself as an umbrella organisation for the grain-processing industry, mills and starch-producing companies and bundles activities and resources. The new association supports companies in the participating sectors in safeguarding and promoting their economic, economic-political, food law and socio-political interests.“
Source: Webpage VDGS


MMM-Club Moderne Markt-Methoden e.V.

"Connecting people, sharing ideas, thinking and feeling the future: As a club of entrepreneurs, we bring together leading personalities from trade, industry and the associated branches of industry. We want to enrich the lives of our members, be a source of inspiration, dare to look beyond our own horizons, and give the word to pioneers and people who provide a sense of purpose."
Source: Webpage MMM


BNW Bundesverband Nachhaltige Wirtschaft e.V.

The Bundesverband Nachhaltige Wirtschaft e.V. (formerly UnternehmensGrün) is an ecologically oriented business association. Since 1992, companies have been involved here, that combine responsibility for business, the environment and society.
Source: Webpage bnw-bundesverband

Detmers Getreide-Vollwertkost GmbH · Lechtermannshof 14 - 16 · 33739 Bielefeld
Phone: +49 (0) 5206 9158-0 · Fax: +49 (0) 5206 9158-29 · E-mail: